Gerrit Willem Eduard Wilmink
Is 49 jaar geworden
Geboren op 29-08-1893 in Hengelo (Ov)
Overleden op 19-11-1942 in Soesterberg, vliegveld
De volgende bijdragen zijn door bezoekers toegevoegd:
Opsporing, aanhouding en voorgeleiding
"De C. v. P. [Commissaris van Politie] te Hengelo (O) verzoekt namens den Befehlshaber der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD, Aussenstelle Arnhem, opsporing, aanhouding en voorgeleiding van Gerrit Willem Eduard ..."
Bron: Buitengewoon Politieblad van 3 februari 1942
Geplaatst door Henk G. Westland op 04 maart 2023
Mijn overgroot oom
Willem Wilmink; my great-uncle who joined the Dutch resitance in the Second World War. He came from the town Hengelo, where he was an architect and he joined the Dutch resistance at the beginning of the war. He spied to get information and he...
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Willem Wilmink; my great-uncle who joined the Dutch resitance in the Second World War. He came from the town Hengelo, where he was an architect and he joined the Dutch resistance at the beginning of the war. He spied to get information and he helped the pilots who crashed with the planes, to be safe and hidden from the nazis.In april of 1942 he got arrested, with 32 other people from the resistance. Two Dutch people who worked for the SD (nazi sicherheitsdienst), infiltrated in the resistance group and that's when the nazi's arrested my great-uncle and many other. Willem Wilmink was executed in Soesterberg, in november 1942.May he rest in peace ✨
Bron: Familiegeschiedenis
Geplaatst door Maike Sjerps op 24 mei 2019