Joe Brezino



Canadees oorlogsslachtoffer

Overleden op 21-02-1945 


De volgende bijdragen zijn door bezoekers toegevoegd:

Joseph (Joe) Brezino

Son of Anton and Dora Brezino, of Springwell, Manitoba. Born 22-02-1924 and died 21-02-1945 Brezino, Joe (Private) – Died 21 Feb 1945 at the age of 23 while fighting with the Royal Hamilton Light Infantry, and is buried in the Groesbeek Canadian... Lees meer
Son of Anton and Dora Brezino, of Springwell, Manitoba. Born 22-02-1924 and died 21-02-1945 Brezino, Joe (Private) – Died 21 Feb 1945 at the age of 23 while fighting with the Royal Hamilton Light Infantry, and is buried in the Groesbeek Canadian War Cemetery in Holland. Located near Churchill is Brezino Creek, named for this soldier. Sluiten

Geplaatst door Christa van Kleef op 23 december 2018

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