Christiaan Eysink
Is 47 jaar geworden
Geboren op 17-07-1897 in Deventer
Overleden op 21-12-1944 in Bandoeng, gevangenis Soekamiskin
De volgende bijdragen zijn door bezoekers toegevoegd:
Mijn Opa-Kakek saya-My grandfather
My grandfather was working as Head supervisor of the locomotive engineers in Poerwokerto at the time of his arrest. He and many of his colleagues were charged with sabotage to the railroads and trains, as documented by the RIOD
My grand father...
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My grandfather was working as Head supervisor of the locomotive engineers in Poerwokerto at the time of his arrest. He and many of his colleagues were charged with sabotage to the railroads and trains, as documented by the RIOD
My grand father was heavily tortured and sent to 15 years imprisonment at "Soekamiskin" in Bandoeng, where he subsequently died from torture and poor nutrition.
Bron: Family archive and Rijks Institute of oorlgs documentation
Geplaatst door Paul Eysink op 18 december 2016
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