Louisa Cornelia Eysink-Buschman



Slachtoffer van de oorlog

Is 44 jaar geworden

Geboren op 02-12-1904 in Soerabaja 

Overleden op 06-10-1949 in Bandoeng 




De volgende bijdragen zijn door bezoekers toegevoegd:

Exhumation of remains

On April 13 1995, the requests was made to trace the grave. When the memorial stone was found, it was advised that the grave was in a "fairly good condition" and that is was possible to actually remove the remains for placing these with her... Lees meer
On April 13 1995, the requests was made to trace the grave. When the memorial stone was found, it was advised that the grave was in a "fairly good condition" and that is was possible to actually remove the remains for placing these with her husband Christiaan Eysink at the war cemetary "Pandu"To prevent future grave clearance, the request to exhume the remains of my grandmother was made to the OGS by way of a "Surat Kuasa" (power of attorney) by one of the then living children.On the 7th day of September 1995 her bones were exhumed and on 8th of September 1995 placed "nameless" within the grave of her husband (my grandfather)Separated by war in 1941 and finally reunited in death on 8 September 1995 Sluiten
Bron: OGS and family records

Geplaatst door Paul Eysink op 07 april 2018

Nenek Saya

My grandmother was married to Christiaan Eysink, whomwas brutally tortured by the Japanese and died in Soekamiskin prison. My grandmother apparently died from poks after the war and is subsequently burried at the public cemetery "Pandu"... Lees meer
My grandmother was married to Christiaan Eysink, whomwas brutally tortured by the Japanese and died in Soekamiskin prison. My grandmother apparently died from poks after the war and is subsequently burried at the public cemetery "Pandu" Bandoeng. My grand father Christiaan, is burried at the memorial war cemetery "Pandu" Bandoeng Sluiten
Bron: Family archives and oorlogs graven dienst

Geplaatst door Paul Eysink op 18 december 2016

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