Jan Hendrik Hoiting




Is 44 jaar geworden

Geboren op 09-01-1901 in Leegkerk (Hoogkerk) 

Overleden op 04-11-1945 in Singapore 

Militair onderdeel


De volgende bijdragen zijn door bezoekers toegevoegd:

The death of my grandfather

My grandfather Jan Hendrik Hoiting was an military officer in the Dutch East Indies prior to and during WW2. He now rests in the Dutch War Cemetery Leuwigajah. Before death he was a POW in Java, when transferred he survived the sinking of the... Lees meer
My grandfather Jan Hendrik Hoiting was an military officer in the Dutch East Indies prior to and during WW2. He now rests in the Dutch War Cemetery Leuwigajah. Before death he was a POW in Java, when transferred he survived the sinking of the Junyo Maru in September 1944 and I believe he was then put to work at the Pakan Baroe railway in Sumatra. My mother believed that her father died at Pakan Baroe and that when the war ended his body was taken to Singapore. According to information of the Oorlogsgravenstichting my grandfather survived the war and was taken to Singapore for recuperation. There he died of congestive cardiac failure. He was buried in Singapore and in 1949 his body was transferred to Java and reburied in the Dutch war cemetery Leuwigajah in Cimahi. Sluiten
Bron: Grandson Robert Delaat

Geplaatst door Coördinator Archief Oorlogsgravenstichting op 08 september 2016

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Nederlands Ereveld Leuwigajah

Vak/rij/nummer I294

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