Lie Tjin Hong




Is 32 jaar geworden

Geboren op 1913 in Modjokerto, NOI 

Overleden op 06-08-1945 in onbekend 


De volgende bijdragen zijn door bezoekers toegevoegd:

NA, Den Haag, toegang 2.10.14, inv. 5281 (bij het NIOD is een ongecensureerd afschrift verkrijgbaar): ‘I, Hadjie Masnah residing at Pasar Lama Bandjermasin wife of Lie Tjien Hong swear to tell the truth and make the following statement: On 6 Aug... Lees meer
NA, Den Haag, toegang 2.10.14, inv. 5281 (bij het NIOD is een ongecensureerd afschrift verkrijgbaar): ‘I, Hadjie Masnah residing at Pasar Lama Bandjermasin wife of Lie Tjien Hong swear to tell the truth and make the following statement: On 6 Aug 45 at 0300 hrs four of the Keibitai, among them Hokoguchi, Hokodama and Ichida came to my house, they hit me and my husband, bound us, searched the house and then took us to Keibitai HQ. After a short interrogation as to whether my husband was an American spy they took me away to another place. Every day I was brought before the Keibitai and interrogated about my husband whom they stated was an American spy. I told them that this was not true. During the interrogations I was often beaten. The interrogations were carried out by Hokodama, and Hokoguchi who also beat me. I was beaten about the head and body with an ironwood stick. They released me on 14 Aug 45 and told me to go back to my fathers place Barabai so that they could find me again if necessary. They told me that my husband was an American Spy because of the Dutch money he had in his house. I told them that he had obtained this money by selling medicine to the natives, but the Japs would not believe me. On 13 Sep 45 I was summoned to the Keibitai HQ. On 16 Sep 45 I went to Bandjermasin and reported to Keibitai HQ. I asked Hokoguchi and Hokodama the whereabouts of my husband and they told me that he had been executed on charge of actings against the Japanese Government. I then returned to Barabai.’ Sluiten

Geplaatst door elmer lie op 06 januari 2014


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