Yeme Goinga
Is 27 jaar geworden
Geboren op 03-01-1918 in Kimswerd
Overleden op 29-03-1945 in Dörrmorsbach, Landkreis Aschaffenburg
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The story of Yeme Goinga
On March 29th, 1944 Yeme was arrested on his elderly farm in Kimswerd, Friesland, The Netherlands. Precisely one year later he died in freedom, far away from home.With two sisters, and him being the only son, Yeme was destined to take over the...
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On March 29th, 1944 Yeme was arrested on his elderly farm in Kimswerd, Friesland, The Netherlands. Precisely one year later he died in freedom, far away from home.With two sisters, and him being the only son, Yeme was destined to take over the agricultural farm. Yeme was passionate about improvement of the crops of potatoes, rapeseed and all kinds of vegetables.He was also a gifted technical engineer and very fond of tractors. For instance, he demolished parts of a nearby crashed British Wellington bomber and an American B17 to see how they worked and incorporated parts in his own machinery.
Last but not least, he ran a tight administration for the farm with a keen eye for business.
At risk of his own live, Yeme helped people in WOII with oil, tobacco and food. He also helped people in hiding.A neighbor betrayed Yeme to the S.S. Yeme was arrested, questioned, tortured and transferred to the Untersuchungs- und Strafgefängnis in Utrecht.
Hence, he was deported to KZ Rollwald Dieburg on 6 September 1944. Here he was a forced laborer in the stone quarry and later forced to fill up bomb craters at Babenhausen airport.In this year of horrors Yeme found comfort in his strong faith. God and Jezus were his guidance in these dark times and he provided many fellow prisoners comfort.When the Americans approached the concentration camp on March 23th 1945, Yeme was forced on a death march to Buchenwald. The second day he escaped with three other men and spent five days hiding in the wet cold forest near Dörrmorsbach.One year after his imprisonment on March 29th, 1945 the four men split up in two teams to search for food. Yeme’s team was hit by an American grenade and they both died.
The other two men were rescued by the Americans that same day, arrived home safely and were able to tell Yeme’s story to his family.More stories about Yeme can be read on
Bron: Uitgezocht door Cindy Hempenius, werkzaam bij
Geplaatst door Cindy Hempenius op 11 oktober 2021
Mijn vrouw en ik beschikken over correspondentie van Yme aan zijn familie en overige correspondentie uit en over de periode van zijn gevangenschap. Deze hebben mijn vrouw en ik gekregen uit de nalatenschap van zijn zus en zwager aan ons. Wanneer familie die wil inzien kan dat.S. van der Schaaf17-01-2017
Geplaatst door S. van der Schaaf op 17 januari 2017
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